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Details about our product & services

Privacy policy

The following privacy policy is used to inform users on how their personal information is used and, more importantly, kept safe. This policy is not a part of, nor shall it override any statements contained within the Terms of Service; rather, it is used as a tool to clarify what information we collect and how it is used.

Information we collect without an account

Certain information may be collected during your use of our services even if you do not have an account, including, but not limited to:

  • IP address
  • Operating system
  • Browser information
  • Visit analytics

This information is used solely for development purposes to improve your experience with our services and is nearly always used in aggregate.

Information we collect if you register for an account

Personal information is collected during the process of registering for an account, either on our main website or on a community website. This information can include, but is not limited to:

  • Full name
  • Contact information
  • Residency information
  • Gender
  • Social media information


Cookies are used on our websites to improve your visits. These cookies are used to keep you signed in, interact with our product and services, and help us develop features to better meet your needs.

Third parties

We do our absolute best to never share your information with third parties. There are a select few service providers that will receive limited information in order for them to help us provide the services we offer. Some examples include our payment processing partners, email delivery providers, and our system infrastructure providers. We are highly selective of and work closely with these companies to ensure your data remains safe.